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Implementing Social Sharing in iOS Apps with UI Activity View Controller

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In the realm of iOS app development, adding a social sharing feature can dramatically boost your app’s reach and user engagement. And if you’re aiming to integrate this in the simplest way possible, the UI Activity View Controller is your go-to tool. Let’s delve deep into how this can be achieved, keeping in mind the vast iOS app development ecosystems in places like Kerala and Bangalore


Why Social Sharing Matters

Before we touch on the technicalities, let’s understand the significance of social sharing. In today’s interconnected world, users love to share interesting content, achievements, or moments from apps with their friends and followers. This not only provides them with a more immersive experience but also acts as organic promotion for your app.


Understanding UI Activity View Controller

The UI Activity View Controller is a versatile component provided by Apple for iOS app developers. It presents a menu to users, giving them various options to share content, be it on social media platforms, messaging apps, or even via email. The beauty of this tool is that it identifies the apps installed on a user’s device and customizes the sharing options accordingly.


How to Implement Social Sharing

Import Necessary Frameworks:

To start, you’ll need to import the necessary module in your ViewController:


Setting Up the UI Activity View Controller:

Imagine you want to share a text and an image. First, make an array using the following objects:


let shareText = “Check out this amazing feature in our app!”

let shareImage = UIImage(named: “YourImageName”)

let itemsToShare = [shareText, shareImage] as [Any]


Next, initialize the UI Activity View Controller with the items:

let activityVC = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: itemsToShare, applicationActivities: nil)


Presenting the UI Activity View Controller:


Present the view controller to the user:

present(activity VC, animated: true, completion: nil)

For iPad, you might also need to specify the popover’s source view or bar button item, to avoid crashes:

if let popoverController=activityVC.popoverPresentationController {

    popoverController.sourceView=self.view // Or your desired view


Handle Completion:

To get feedback after the content is shared or the operation is canceled, use the completion WithItems Handler:

activityVC.completionWithItemsHandler = { (activityType, completed, returnedItems, error) in

    if completed {

        // User shared successfully

    } else {

        // User canceled



Taking Inspiration from the Ecosystem


iOS App Development Kerala:

The app development community in Kerala is known for its innovation. Developers there have often integrated social sharing in unique ways, considering regional social platforms and trends. By studying apps emerging from this region, you can gain insights into how to cater to a diverse audience effectively.



iOS App Development Company in Bangalore

Bangalore, often dubbed as the Silicon Valley of India, houses numerous iOS app development companies that set benchmarks for quality and innovation. If you ever get a chance to collaborate or interact with developers or companies from Bangalore, you’ll notice the emphasis they put on user experience, which includes seamless social sharing capabilities. Drawing inspiration from such a hub can significantly elevate your app’s overall standards.


Also Read:Swift Concurrency for Faster Async Code in iOS and iPhone Apps



The UI Activity View Controller makes it incredibly easy for developers to implement social sharing in iOS apps. By utilizing this tool, not only can you enhance user engagement, but also organically boost your app’s reach and visibility.


Moreover, always keep an eye on the thriving iOS app development landscapes, like those in Kerala and Bangalore. The practices, innovations, and standards set by these ecosystems can be a goldmine of insights for budding developers and even established iOS app development enthusiasts.